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Message 43 of 57 Previous Next

Fibromyalgia is a difficult and chronic illness. It can come and go and it is difficult to find a sympathetic dr. to help treat the symptoms/which is about all that can be done for it. Treat the symptoms. Taking vitamen supplements is fine. AND thought it can get costly SAM-E can help the chronic fatigue part of FMS somewhat. It works sometimes and sometimes the effects seem to wear off after some time of use. MOST IMPORTANT to not forget is that part of the problem in Fibromyalgia is the SLEEP DISORDER part of it. I simply didn't accept this part of the problem at first (i've had it for several yrs now) I didn't believe it because I seemed to sleep all the time. Slept all night, woke up so tired I could barely open my eyes and move.. fell asleep even at the computer. WHAT IS HAPPENING IS THAT YOU LOSE THE ABILITY TO GO INTO THE 4TH LEVEL OF SLEEP. YOU DO NOT GO INTO REM SLEEP. OR DO NOT STAY THERE LONG ENOUGH TO DO ANY GOOD. REM SLEEP IS WHERE YOUR MUSCLES AND BODY GET RESTORED. If you sleep but never enter into the 4th level or you bounce in and out... the chronic fatigue gets horrible because it is like you have never slept at all. MOst Dr.s to prescribe taking 1 10mg. tablet of flexeril (cyclobenzprine) at night before going to be. THIS in NOT a sleeping pill. It is a muscle relaxer. This does not work for sleep in people without fibromyalgia. BUT if you have Fibromyalgia...for some reason it DOES help enable you to be able to go into REM sleep. THEY do not know why it works but it does work. MY DR told me ....QUOTE...."you get that sleep disorder under control and the FMS goes away".... well, this is not really true...BUT it is true that if you take the tablet EVERY night (and dont stop just because you think it is gone, cause it is not) and you do get a more restorative sleep the symptoms do lessen somewhat and for those I know well with this disease...We all can cope better with it. of course every now and then there will be a flare up where we have a few days or a week of misery...but over all I admit my quality of life is better when I can get the right sleep. When it comes to noni juice I could neve say enough BAD things about those people. They could be right down dangerous to folks... They claim cures for all kinds of stuff..they remind me of the snake oil salesmen in old movies.. While their product isn't harmful, their advice often is...Many that sell it have insisted that folks should NOT take medecines their dr. prescribed and take their product instead. I have true gout and must take a drug to lessen my bodies production of uric acid. GOUT can kill you if you let it go. They demanded I drink their juice and go off the dr.s med. I've also heard some say it cures diabetes...and suggest people stop taking insulin... this is why I say that many who sell this product are down right dangerous. They make claims that have been proven to be flat out lies. They are like a pesty fly that keeps buzzing.


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